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Good morning friends.
As an apology for my lack of commenting on your lovely blogs I would like to have a give away.
It is in fact a cebebration give away.
As many of you may know, Russ was born with a congenital heart defect. His main artery runs in between his aortic valve and his pulmonary artery. If his artery gets constricted it would obviously cut off his blood supply which we were told in previous consultations would most likely kill him. He had major heart surgery to attach a new blood supply but his body rejected this.
Russ was also told to stop playing football and to never physically over exert himself. This was very hard to bear as Russ loves playing football. He went from playing about four times a week to never playing and not actually living the life he wanted.
We decided on a second opinion and so I researched heart surgeons. I found a specialist, Chris Young, who has his own practice but who also has a NHS clinic Guy's and St Thomas's in London. They were very quick with their response. We came to London for various tests and yesterday we got to meet the man himself. Blogging took a back seat as I have been too worried in case he needed another operation.
All I can say is he has changed our lives. He explained more about his condition in 10 minutes than all the Drs and surgeons over the last 5 years. He actually listened to how Russ felt physically and emotionally. We were told that if his condition was going to kill him it would have happened when he was a teenager and the chances of it killing him now is highly unlikely. He explained the reason his body rejected the new blood supply was because it would only be used if his main blood supply got constricted and needed a new avenue. In his words it was a fight between the two and his main artery always won. We were also told 3 years ago that Russ has got Angina and has been taking tablets for this since. Low and behold, Russ has not got Angina!!! We are just so pleased we sought a second opinion.
What Chris couldn't understand was why, in the last five years not one Dr had sent him for a stress test before telling him not to play football or over exert himself.
Russ had one yesterday and was told - go and live your life, enjoy life and enjoy playing football again. I have never seen Russ so emotional. He has got his life back.
Thank for spending to time to read my story. To celebrate and for your understanding of my blogging absence, I would like to offer some candy.
All you have to do is
1, Be a follower of my blog - I do not mind new followers joining but please do not join just for the candy.
2. Place this picture on you side bar.
3. Add your name to Inlikz